We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these. Constriction of the airways with or without the production of excess mucus can trigger coughing and make it difficult to breathe. Many asthma patients experience wheezing and shortness of breath. Nearly 9% of kids in the United States suffer from asthma. Women, in particular, experience negative effects as a result of taking steroids for asthma because steroids are male hormones.

Nonetheless, doctors don’t believe and are not taught that there is a permanent cure for asthma. But iodine was once regularly prescribed as the treatment of choice for asthma symptoms in the early 1900’s and even as recently as the 1960’s. And some scientists have recently noted that oxidative stress is one means through which asthma progresses, reasoning that the use of molecular hydrogen gas may be able to alleviate or perhaps cure asthma by alleviating oxidative stress. Studies have shown that hydrogen gas functions in the lungs and in the body as a powerful antioxidant that has the ability to recharge mitochondria as well as to protect DNA in the nucleus of human cells. Used together, Lugol’s iodine and molecular hydrogen gas offer a permanent, natural cure for asthma as well as a treatment for asthma attacks as the iodine is taking effect in the body. These medicinal substances are safe for everyone to use including pregnant and lactating women, infants, and children. Scientists have noted that asthma gets worse in women during their periods, but unfortunately, many doctors recommend that women use steroid inhalers to treat their period-induced asthma attacks. Steroids are male hormones which can increase the hormonal imbalances in women who are experiencing asthma attacks. But intuitively, women often feel that the use of a steroid inhaler during pregnancy and lactation is dangerous.

So they live in fear during pregnancy that they’ll experience an asthma attack, unwilling to use the steroid inhaler for fear of it causing harm to their unborn baby. Women who are interested in learning more about the safe use of natural molecular iodine and potassium iodide in Lugol’s iodine products to cure disease should look up Dr. Guy Abraham’s work to better understand the political dynamic surrounding iodine. Support our outside vendors by purchasing Lugol’s Iodine here. In childhood, young boys are more likely to use asthma medications than girls.

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Scientists believe that boys are more likely to have an abnormally high immune response to allergens in comparison with girls and they also tend to have a smaller airway size than girls. This is why scientists believe that boys are at an increased risk of developing asthma before puberty, but in reality, it’s likely that potassium iodine deficiency plays a role in asthma risk in both boys and girls. In contrast, in girls, risk of asthma increases when girls go through puberty. Indeed, girls who get their first period at an early age are more likely to develop asthma than girls who go through puberty a bit later. Again, these observations demonstrate the role of imbalanced reproductive hormones in the development of asthma which can be ameliorated with potassium iodide and molecular iodine supplementation. Adult women have an increased risk of developing asthma in comparison with men. The change from a higher prevalence of asthma in boys than in girls to a higher prevalence of asthma in women than in men happens at puberty which has led many scientists to acknowledge that reproductive hormones play a role in asthma. Lugol’s iodine can be taken by applying it to the skin or by putting it in drinking water to treat a wide array of different diseases that are rooted in hormonal imbalances. It contains molecular iodine (a trace mineral that every human needs in order to survive) and potassium iodide. Molecular iodine feeds the thyroid gland and potassium iodide feeds the reproductive organs to balance both thyroid hormone levels as well as reproductive hormone levels. And while many people believe they’re getting enough iodine in their diet (through iodized salt, for example) or in their multivitamin, very few people realize that if they are exposed to fluorine or bromine in the environment, their iodine needs will be much higher.

Indeed, individuals who don’t eat seaweed or other high-iodine-content foods as part of their daily diet are likely to have iodine deficiency. Children in many developed countries of the world are deficient in iodine and this is especially true in the United States. The water supply in the U.S. is fluoridated, which means that many children and adults are exposed daily to high levels of fluorine, which competes with iodine in the body. And the United States is the only developed country of the world to allow the open use of bromine as an insecticide in farming. Bromated Vegetable Oils (BVOs) are found in citrus drinks like gatorade and even in some bread products. Swimming pools are disinfected with bromine instead of chlorine. Children’s pajamas are sprayed with bromine as a “fire retardant” that starts kids early on exposure to this toxic chemical that disrupts hormones, which then causes asthma. Using Lugol’s iodine 2% daily at 2 to 5 drops in children or 5 to 20 drops in adults is extremely well tolerated and the results are more or less permanent in terms of asthma. As such potassium iodide is a permanent asthma cure that can be used safely as a healthy and natural alternative to steroid therapy. Obesity, after all, is often caused by poor thyroid function that can be resolved with Lugol’s iodine therapy. Many people lose weight or gain weight and achieve a more normal metabolic level when they supplement with Lugol’s iodine. Iodine was added to salt products, though salt is not a good carrier for iodine and does not properly provide fortification of the population. Nonetheless, removal of iodine fortification from bread products has lead to the development of the asthma industry and the sale of steroid medications for chronic asthma. A rash known as bromaderma is common and it is caused by bromine being removed from the thyroid gland and then reproductive organs and breast tissues into the bloodstream for removal from the body. Unfortunately, most doctors have been educated to believe that iodine is toxic, though it is common knowledge that iodine is a mineral that our bodies need in order to survive.

So doctors in the U.S. regularly diagnose the bromaderma rash as an “iodine allergy” and patients are then scared away from Lugol’s iodine. Familiarize yourself with these symptoms and drink sea water supplements to lessen the symptoms during the initial stages of iodine supplementation. Taking daily doses of Lugol’s iodine improves general immunity and though it has not been shown to specifically be able to cure respiratory allergies, it can cure asthma and at the same time, enhance and balance general immunity. Women intuitively feel that steroid inhalers are not good for them or their baby.

In this article we discuss natural asthma treatments that can be used safely during pregnancy to give women the opportunity to breathe easy even without their steroid inhaler as they are gestating. But if you’re pregnant and you’ve never taken Lugol’s iodine before, be sure to start slowly with this mineral. Pregnant women should administer 1 drop of Lugol’s iodine 2% to their wrist daily for at least a week without having any bromine detoxification symptoms before increasing the dose to 2 drops. Increase the dose by 1 drop weekly if you are pregnant until you are administering 20 drops of 2% Lugol’s iodine as a cure for asthma during pregnancy. Molecular hydrogen works as a powerful antioxidant in the body that can inhibit the following cytokines that can cause inflammation in the airway. A single inhalation session of molecular hydrogen for 45 minutes can get rid of inflammation in patients with asthma. Molecular hydrogen works by inhibiting cytokines that normally cause inflammation. As such, molecular hydrogen can also be used to treat other cytokine-induced respiratory diseases like ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) in COVID-19 or influenza. We talk at length at AlivenHealthy about Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine and the use of reactive oxygen species that can kill pathogens, bind to toxins for their removal from the body, and to encourage normal cellular communication when patients go into a parasympathetic dormant states. These reactive oxygen species that cause damage to the body must be differentiated from those that are used by cells to communicate or to kill pathogens. But in some cases, a powerful antioxidant medicine like molecular hydrogen gas might be a better choice to restore health to the body. Both reactive oxygen species and molecular hydrogen gas are powerful tools that patients can use at home to treat themselves for a huge range of diseases, including not just infections, but also chronic diseases, but in the case of asthma, molecular hydrogen is a good choice to use as an alternative to steroid therapy. But molecular hydrogen is extremely well suited as a natural treatment for asthma because this disease tends to occur as a result of chronic inflammation, excessive activation of macrophages, neutrophils, fibroblasts, and T lymphocytes as well as oxidative stress in the lungs and bronchioles. Molecular hydrogen has a neutralizing effect on these entities.

The same reduction in pro-inflammatory cytokine production in asthma patients would be expected. Improvement of lung function and the repair of lung tissues can be explained by the fact that molecular hydrogen donates electrons to the mitochondria (the battery of the cell) in lung tissues that may be low on electricity. For all intents and purposes, donating electrons to mitochondria that are low in electrically potential is roughly equivalent to re-energizing and brings cells that are dying back from the dead. Indeed, molecular hydrogen can have this effect on any cell in the body whether you drink it as water or inhale it as a gas. This treatment is appropriate for children, adults, pregnant, and lactating women. However, everyone who takes this medicine needs to be aware of the presence of bromine and fluorine in the environment and attempt to avoid bromine and fluorine exposure to avoid having to detox from these two toxic halogens that compete for space in the thyroid and reproductive organs. Start with 1 drop daily administered to the skin of the wrist or abdomen.

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If you are experiencing symptoms of detoxification, continue with that dose until the detox symptoms disappear. Drink a lot of water, particularly reverse osmosis water that has been supplemented with a sea water supplement. The sea water supplement will help the body flush out the bromine and fluorine without causing detoxification symptoms. It will also help hydrate the body and create a higher electrical potential for cellular healing. Patients typically do 1 session of molecular hydrogen inhalation daily for 45 to 60 minutes. You may need to continue to use your molecular hydrogen machine as a steroid-inhaler alternative until the iodine cure begins to work against asthma symptoms. Once the symptoms are under control, you’ll still have a molecular hydrogen machine that you can use on any disease that causes a cytokine storm (such as COVID-19, influenza, dengue, Ebola, and more). Vitamin K2 is not the same thing as vitamin K1, a nutrient that’s often included in multivitamin formulas. But scientific studies have shown that organophosphate insecticides destroy about 54% of the intestinal flora and up to 100% of the bacteria in the gut that produce vitamin K2.

And GMO plant products like corn are literally engineered to not produce vitamin K2 which means that this nutrient deficiency is extremely common in the developed world. Administer up to 200 mcg per day to children and up to 600 mcg per day to adults to ensure that Lugol’s iodine is properly absorbed in order to promote proper respiratory function. Note that vitamin K2 also plays a role in promoting lung elasticity.

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